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Yip, Ka-Fai
new [pdf]Differentiating between evidential bias and epistemic bias in questions: Evidence from Cantonese
Gorman, Kyle
new [pdf]Notes on morphological defectivity
Chen, Fulang
freshly changed [pdf]Passivization and composite A/Ā-movement in the Mandarin bei-construction
Hu, Yanjie
freshly changed [pdf]Coordination: a novel view
Sportiche, Dominique
freshly changed [file]The Coordinate Structure Constraint: not a constraint on movement
Jacobson, Pauline
freshly changed [pdf]A Categorial Grammar View of Syntactic Categories: Evidence from Coordination
Kiparsky, Paul
Condoravdi, Cleo
new [pdf]Out-applicatives are concealed comparatives
Spier, Troy E.
new [pdf]Nominal Phrase Structure in Ikyaushi (M.402)
Yuan, Michelle
freshly changed [pdf]Morphological conditions on movement chain resolution: Inuktitut noun incorporation revisited
Foley, Steven
Amiridze, Nino
new [pdf]Where does that fit in? Morphological variation and reanalysis in Georgian placeholder verbs
Mikhailov, Stepan
freshly changed [pdf]Diagnosing Northern Khanty unpossessives, or how to tell a synchronically independent marker from its diachronic source
Moltmann, Friederike
freshly changed [pdf]Objects and Attitudes
Reiss, Charles
new [pdf]Delete the Rich: On the non-existence of ‘weak’ schwa deletion
Loutfi, Ayoub
new [pdf]The Distribution of Verbs and Argument Selection in Arabic: A Distributed Morphology Account
Molinari, Luca
new [pdf]Plural ‘one’ lagging behind singular ‘one’ in Bulgarian. A syntactic approach
Dabbous, Rim
Gorman, Kyle
Reiss, Charles
new [pdf]Tutorial on Substance-Free Logical Phonology
Alderete, John
Jebbour, Abdelkrim
Holubowsky, Kaye
Agarwal, Piyush
new [pdf]The gender system of Tashlhiyt: Using supervised learning to predict noun gender
Stegovec, Adrian
new [pdf]Lessons from Slovenian imperatives
Salzmann, Martin
freshly changed [pdf]Word order in the German middle field – scrambling
Amato, Irene
Stegovec, Adrian
freshly changed [pdf]Disjunction under single referent: voiding the ban on clitic coordination
Caha, Pavel
De Clercq, Karen
Starke, Michal
Vanden Wyngaerd, Guido
freshly changed [pdf]Nanosyntax: state of the art and recent developments
Bai, Chigchi
freshly changed [pdf]What Can Mongolian Tell Us about Reflexives and Reflexivity?
MacDonald, Jonathan
new [pdf]What Spanish can tell us about the syntax of eventives vs. stative verbal predicates
Cheshire, Gerard
freshly changed [pdf]Astrology Series, No. 4. MS 408.
Goodale, Michael
freshly changed [pdf]Sense as sampling propensity
Seguin, Luisa
freshly changed [pdf]Choose me! Optionality in wh-fronting and copy deletion: evidence for overt-covert movement in Valdôtain Patois
Bai, Chigchi
freshly changed [pdf]A Unified Account of Passives and Causatives: The Case of Mongolian and Japanese
Golda, Paweł
Żywicka, Natalia
new [pdf]Inclusivité linguistique : une quête de clarté et de précision conceptuelle
Bai, Chigchi
new [pdf]A Simpler Syntax of Voice: Preliminaries based on Japanese Data
Driemel, Imke
Hein, Johannes
Carioti, Desiré
Wünsch, Jakob
Tsakali, Vina Paraskevi
Alexiadou, Artemis
Sauerland, Uli
Guasti, Maria
2025-01 [pdf]How can genericity be expressed? A four-language experimental study using Thurstone Scaling

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7. Yip - Inner aspect in Cantonese
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