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Schlenker, Philippe
Lamberton, Jason
Lamberton, Jonathan
freshly changed [pdf]The Inferential Typology of Language: Insights from Sign Language (ASL)
Jambrović, Samuel
freshly changed [pdf]Pronominal structure and the third-person gap in Spanish
Bar-Lev, Moshe E.
freshly changed [pdf]Homogeneity, underspecification, and ambiguity in plural predication
Andrews, Avery
new [pdf]Idioms in Lexical Functional Grammar and Glue Semantics
Fortuin, Egbert
Kamphuis, Kamphuis
new [pdf]Aspect
Olivier, Marc
freshly changed [pdf]Clitic Placement with Infinitives in the Diachrony of French: from enclisis to proclisis
Freidin, Robert
new [pdf]The Cycle in Syntax in Context
Hayes, Bruce
Moore-Cantwell, Claire
new [file]A Guide to Analysis in MaxEnt Optimality Theory, Chapters 1 and 2: Supplementary Materials
Saha, Ankana
Sağ, Yağmur
Cui, Jian
Davidson, Kathryn
freshly changed [pdf]Anaphoric demonstratives in Mandarin
Prokhorova, M.
new [docx]The Role of Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition
Prokhorova, M.
freshly changed [docx]The Cognitive Bridge Between Speech and Music: How Intonation Shapes Melodic Structure
Hayes, Bruce
Moore-Cantwell, Claire
new [pdf]A Guide to Analysis in MaxEnt Optimality Theory, Chapters 1 and 2
Prokhorova, M.
freshly changed [docx]Lesson Plan: Teaching Conditionals through Cognitive Diversity in Group Learning
Begus, Gasper
Lu, Thomas
Wang, Zili
new [pdf]Basic syntax from speech: Spontaneous concatenation in unsupervised deep neural networks
Hosono, Mayumi
new [pdf]A single probe or a composite probe?
Boskovic, Zeljko
freshly changed [pdf]On (partially) quirky subjects, numeral subjects, and subject-oriented anaphor binding: Nominal and non-nominal subjects and their structural positions
Chabot, Alex
freshly changed [pdf]Substance-free approaches to phonology
Weiß, Helmut
new [pdf]Neg-words: what they are and what they are not and what follows from this.
Reiss, Charles
new [pdf]Specificity in Rule targets and triggers: Two v's in Hungarian
Begus, Gasper
freshly changed [pdf]The development of Indo-Iranian voiced fricatives
Cheshire, Gerard
freshly changed [pdf]Serie de Astrología nº 4. MS 408.
Kayne, Richard
new [pdf]English 'for' as a wh-phrase (talk handout 2017)
Dabbous, Rim
Leduc, Marjorie
Reiss, Charles
Shen, David
new [pdf]Locality is epiphenomenal: adjacency is opaqueness
Cheshire, Gerard
freshly changed [pdf]Astrology Series, No. 4. MS 408.
Begus, Gasper
Dąbkowski, Maksymilian
Rhodes, Ryan
freshly changed [pdf]Large Linguistic Models: Analyzing theoretical linguistic abilities of LLMs
Storment, John David
freshly changed [pdf]Predicate Nominals in Tshila
Frampton, John
new [pdf]Variation in word prosody of some dialects of Arabic; stress does not `float'
Ukasick, Trent
new [pdf]VP Fronting and Predicate Initial Word Order In Western Subanon
Zhang, Linmin
Zhang, Florence
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Sharf, Eli
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