Weight effects and the parametrization of the foot: English vs. Portuguese
Guilherme Duarte Garcia, Heather Goad
January 2021

This paper argues that even though English and Portuguese present similar stress patterns on the surface, these two languages are fundamentally different: whereas English builds feet, Portuguese does not. To support this argument, we focus on weight effects on stress. We experimentally show that weight effects in English are consistent with an analysis of stress that employs feet. In contrast, weight effects in Portuguese cannot be optimally accounted for by a foot-based analysis. Further evidence for the foot in English comes from word minimality constraints, which are never violated in the language, unlike in Portuguese.
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Reference: lingbuzz/005221
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Published in: Submitted
keywords: stress, weight, foot, word minimality, lexicon, english, portuguese, phonology
previous versions: v1 [May 2020]
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