Allomorph selection precedes phonology: Evidence from the Yindjibarndi locative
Juliet Stanton
September 2021

Theories of the phonology-morphology interface can be differentiated by their claims regarding the timing of phonologically conditioned suppletive allomorphy (PCSA) and regular phonology. Some (e.g. Paster 2006, Embick 2010) argue that PCSA occurs in a morphological component of the grammar that precedes phonology; others (e.g. Kager 1996, Mascaró 2007, Smith 2015) argue that at least phonologically optimizing PCSA occurs in the phonological component of the grammar, with regular phonology. This paper discusses a case of apparently optimizing PCSA in Yindjibarndi (Pama-Nyungan, Wordick 1982), proposes an analysis in which suppletive allomorphy precedes regular phonology, and shows that the alternative – an analysis in which PCSA occurs in the phonological component of the grammar – should be dispreferred.
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Reference: lingbuzz/005587
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Published in: to appear in NLLT
keywords: suppletion, allomorphy, phonotactics, morphology, phonology
previous versions: v4 [August 2021]
v3 [June 2021]
v2 [November 2020]
v1 [November 2020]
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