The morphophonology of A'ingae verbal stress
Maksymilian Dąbkowski
December 2019

This work treats of the morphophonology of verbal stress in A’ingae (Cofán, ISO 639-3: con), an isolate language of the Amazon. By presenting and generalizing over novel data, it makes contributions to language description, typology, and theory. At the level of description, it demonstrates the sensitivity of stress to weight in A’ingae, systematizes the template of verbal inflections, and details its intricate patterns of morphophonological alternations. At the level of typology, it observes a rare, if not unattested, accentual pattern, whereby the primary stress targets the syllable containing the second mora to the left of a glottal stop. At the level of theory, it provides an account within the framework of Cophonology Theory (Anttila, 1997; Orgun, 1996; others) and lends support to the framework by the dint of its analytical parsimony.
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Reference: lingbuzz/005879
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Published in: Brown University
keywords: dabkowski, a'ingae, cofán, cofan, kofán, kofan, kofane, stress, dominant, recessive, dominance, glottalization, cophonology, glottal, morphology, phonology, prosody, isolate, ecuador, agglutination, anti-faithfulness, antifaithfulness, foot, trochee, trochaic, stop, ct, cpt
previous versions: v1 [December 2019]
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