Intensional gaps: Relating doxasticity, bouleticity, veridicality, factivity, and neg-raising
Benjamin Kane, William Gantt, Aaron Steven White
December 2021

We investigate which patterns of lexically triggered doxastic, bouletic, neg(ation)-raising, and veridicality inferences are (un)attested across clause-embedding verbs in English. To carry out this investigation, we use a multiview mixed effects mixture model to discover the inference patterns captured in three lexicon-scale inference judgment datasets: two existing datasets, MegaVeridicality and MegaNegRaising, which capture veridicality and neg-raising inferences across a wide swath of the English clause-embedding lexicon, and a new dataset, MegaIntensionality, which similarly captures doxastic and bouletic inferences. We focus in particular on inference patterns that are correlated with morphosyntactic distribution, as determined by how well those patterns predict the acceptability judgments in the MegaAcceptability dataset. We find that there are 15 such patterns attested. We investigate the inferences that constitute each pattern as well as the distributional properties these patterns correlate with. All data and code are available at
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Reference: lingbuzz/005930
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Published in: Semantics and Linguistic Theory 31
keywords: inference patterns, veridicality, factivity, neg-raising, doxasticity, bouleticity, acceptability, semantics, syntax
previous versions: v3 [December 2021]
v2 [May 2021]
v1 [May 2021]
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