Paraguayan Guaraní prosody and the typology of variable affix order
Maksymilian Dąbkowski
October 2022

I document and analyze the prosodic and morphological structure of the verb in Paraguayan Guaraní (Tupian, ISO 639-3: gug), a heavily agglutinating language. I show that Paraguayan Guaraní suffixes are independently prosodified and, to a large extent, freely ordered. Following Bickel et al.'s (2007) account of Chintang (Kiranti, ISO 639-3: ctn), I propose that variable affix order arises as a consequence of suffixes subcategorizing for prosodic words. I contrast this phonological account of variable affix order with morphological analyses, which model variable affix order with freely ranked morphotactic constraints. The morphological accounts predict that variable affix order is the marked pattern which has to be posited by the learner for each pair of permuting affixes. The phonological account predicts that variable affix order is the default. Both accounts find empirical support from cross-linguistic data. Thus, I propose that the phenomenon of variable affix order is not unified, but rather that it is driven by either phonology or morphology, giving rise to two distinct typological profiles.
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Reference: lingbuzz/005944
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keywords: dabkowski, paraguayan, guaraní, guarani, tupian, tupían, paraguay, variable, affix, suffix, suffixation, prefix, prefixation, ptg, order, free, ordering, prosody, word, subcategorization, frame, prosody, hierarchy, prosodic, domination, typology, chintang, kiranti, bickel, ryan, mirror, principle, scope, template, morphotactic, emergent, exhaustivity, clitic, independent, vao, pg, scopal, templatic, pair-wise, alignment, bantu, chichewa, hill, mari, choguita, rarámuri, tupi, infix, infixation, nepal, paraguay, uralic, russia, fao, prosodification, kalin, cabellero, learning, learner, markedness, uto-aztecan, mexico, paster, fuuta, tooro, pulaar, paster, fula, senegal, mapuche, araucanian, chile, smeets, zukoff, quechua, quechuan, perú, muysken, stress, meter, metrical, morphology, phonology
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v1 [May 2021]
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