The Split Noun Phrase in Classical Latin
Zachary Satoshi Feldcamp
May 2021

In this thesis I investigate the syntax and prosody of discontinuous classical Latin noun phrases. I argue that they are the result of the interaction of Universal Grammar with syntactic and phonological parameters of language variation. Chapter 1 introduces the problems of discontinuous noun phrases for theories of grammar and surveys the history of research on the topic. Chapter 2 presents new evidence based on the distribution of syntactic punctuation in epigraphic texts, of negative polarity items, and of quantifiers that any theory of Latin syntax must involve hierarchical structure, recursion, and syntactic movement, both in the noun phrase, and in the clause. Chapter 3 argues based on the distribution of interpuncts in epigraphic and papyrus texts that second-position effects are the consequence of prosodic movement and are widespread throughout the lexicon. Chapter 4 summarizes the results of this thesis. Feedback is welcome.
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Reference: lingbuzz/006021
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Published in: University of Arizona master's thesis
keywords: split noun phrase, left branch extraction, latin, constituency, prosodic inversion, punctuation, negative polarity, quantification, nonconfigurationality, free word order, scrambling, syntax, phonology
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