A note on the domain of transfer
Alan Hezao Ke
March 2022

This paper argues that transfer of the full phase, rather than the phase-head complement, is theoretically and empirically preferable. Specifically, based on the two Chomskian approaches of transfer, this paper proposes a hybrid of their corresponding full phase transfer versions. Full phase transfer solves various problems that the standard approaches of transfer face. In addition, the main challenge of the full phase transfer approach, that is, movement across phase boundaries, can be overcome with assumptions that are independently motivated.
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Reference: lingbuzz/006103
(please use that when you cite this article)
Published in: manuscript (comments welcome)
keywords: transfer, full phase, phase-head complement, phase theory, domain of transfer, successive cyclic movement, syntax
previous versions: v3 [December 2021]
v2 [July 2021]
v1 [July 2021]
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