Phonologically conditioned suppletive allomorphy in Haitian as morphological optimization
Benjamin Storme, Jocelyn Otilien
August 2022

Phonologically conditioned suppletive allomorphy (PCSA) may be phonologically optimizing: allomorph selection complies with the language phonotactics. However this is not always the case. A counterexample often discussed in the literature is Haitian determiner a/la. This paper further investigates Haitian by focusing on a PCSA pattern in Northern Haitian that has not yet been discussed in the theoretical literature: third person singular pronoun i/li. The paper argues that this pattern can be analyzed as morphologically optimizing: allomorph selection in this case can be understood as a way to facilitate morpheme identification in context. The pattern presents a further interesting property: allomorph selection interacts with a phonologically optimizing process (pronoun reduction from i to y [j] and from li to l ). This interaction can be straightforwardly modeled in an analysis assuming parallel morphological and phonological optimizations, but not in a serial model where the morphology precedes the phonology and has no access to the output of phonological optimization.
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Reference: lingbuzz/006183
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Published in: Supplemental Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting on Phonology (
keywords: haitian; pronouns; phonologically conditioned suppletive allomorphy; optimality theory, morphology, phonology
previous versions: v4 [January 2022]
v3 [September 2021]
v2 [September 2021]
v1 [September 2021]
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