Syntactic Pattern Distribution Analysis of Experiencer-Object Psych Verbs – An Annotation Manual
Simon Masloch, Johanna Poppek, Amelie Robrecht, Tibor Kiss
December 2021

This manual contains the annotation guidelines used to create a database for the syntactic (and in part semantic) behaviour of 64 German experiencer object verbs. These verbs are annotated for their syntactic pattern, the semantic nature of their stimulus (if present), the presence of a stimulus PP and various other features. Both the manual as well as the resulting database can be used for testing theoretical hypotheses as well as for experimental and computational tasks. The data resulting from the annotation is publicly available from:
Format: [ pdf ]
Reference: lingbuzz/006368
(please use that when you cite this article)
Published in: Studies in Linguistics and Linguistic Data Science, Linguistic Data Science Lab, Ruhr-University Bochum
keywords: experiencer-object verb, psych verb, stimulus subject verb, german, annotation, syntactic pattern, database, semantic stimulus type, semantics, syntax
previous versions: v1 [December 2021]
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