The Case OCP in Choctaw
Matthew Tyler
January 2022

Choctaw shows a 'Case OCP' effect, which bans adjacent clausemate nouns from carrying the same case-marker (Broadwell 2006). I refine the description of the Case OCP, showing (a) that it does not hold over clause boundaries, (b) that it only regulates the co-occurrence of NPs whose case-markers take the same morphophonological form (ignoring NPs bearing only the same abstract case features), and (c) that it is sensitive to the syntactic function of the case-marker, failing to hold when the same suffix is used to mark switch-reference. I argue that such a constraint is most compatible with a parallel model of the morphological component of the grammar, wherein input syntactic structure and output morphophonological form are visible simultaneously. I provide further evidence that the Case OCP is housed in a parallel morphological component by showing that it is violable in certain circumstances. I provide an implementation of Choctaw's Case OCP within Optimality Theory. Finally, I compare the Choctaw Case OCP with the Japanese Double-o Constraint, highlighting some points of agreement and difference.
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Reference: lingbuzz/006431
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Published in: Accepted at Glossa
keywords: syntax, morphology, choctaw, case ocp, anti-identity, constraints, morphology, syntax
previous versions: v1 [January 2022]
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