Dutch derived verbs
Guido Vanden Wyngaerd, Karen De Clercq, Pavel Caha
September 2022

There are three ways of deriving verbs in Dutch: through zero marking, through suffixation, and through prefixation. We focus on prefixed deadjectival verbs, contrasting two views. According to the first view, prefixed verbs are left-headed: the prefix is responsible for the change in category, i.e. [V ver [A breed]]. The second view holds that prefixed verbs are right-headed, and involve a zero verbalizing suffix, i.e., [V ver [V [A breed] ∅ ]]. We argue in this paper for a mixed approach. We adopt Ramchand’s (2008) decomposition of the verb and argue that the prefix spells out part of the verbal structure and the verbal root spells out another part.
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Reference: lingbuzz/006548
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Published in: published as: A Nanosyntactic analysis of Dutch deadjectival verbs, Linguistics in the Netherlands 39, 245-267, https://doi.org/10.1075/avt.00072.wyn
keywords: deadjectival verbs - change-of-state verbs - causative-inchoative alternation - nanosyntax - phrasal spellout - prefixes, morphology, syntax
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