Iterated D-layers and Multiple Case Exponence: The structure and significance of a morphological rarissimum
David Erschler
July 2023

The paper addresses a typologically unusual instance of Multiple Exponence – some wh-based items in Digor Ossetic, an agglutinative Eastern Iranian language spoken in the Caucasus, exhibit double case marking in the plural. For example, the allative plural of the indefinite ka-dɐr who-INDEFINITE ‘someone’ is kɐ-mɐ-dɐr-tɐ-mɐ who-ALLATIVE-INDEFINITE-PLURAL-ALLATIVE. I propose an analysis of this phenomenon in the framework of Distributed Morphology. The key ingredients of the analysis are the presence of two D heads on the spine of such a nominal; and the possibility of last-resort sharing of a case value between these heads. Furthermore, under appropriate conditions, the case exponents associated with the two D heads undergo haplological dissimilation. The rarity of double case exponence of this kind is due to the fact that a number of independent conditions need to be met simultaneously in order for it to obtain.
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Reference: lingbuzz/006934
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Published in: Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7(1). doi:
keywords: case marking; number marking; multiple exponence; distributed morphology; morphological haplology; digor ossetic, morphology
previous versions: v4 [November 2022]
v3 [November 2022]
v2 [November 2022]
v1 [November 2022]
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