Pseudo-Allomorphy of Articles and Articulated Prepositions in Llanito
Shanti Ulfsbjorninn
November 2022

In this study, I will provide a decompositional analysis of Llanito’s articles, both definite and indefinite, as well as the many fused preposition + article combinations. Prima facie, Llanito seems to show phonologically conditioned allomorph (PCA) selection, including a melodically-conditioned allomorphy triggered exclusively by /w/. However, taking a Strict CV approach, building on work on Standard Italian (Larsen 1998; Faust et al. 2018), Galician (Ulfsbjorninn 2020) and central Italo-Romance dialects, including Old Tuscan varieties, (Russo & Ulfsbjorninn 2021), I will show that the whole system of articles in Llanito can be generated without the use of allomorphy at all. Instead, all the surface variants are generated from the combination of a unified set of syntactic exponents fed through the language’s regular phonology. This analysis joins the Llanito phenomena to the research program started by Scheer (2016) where PCA analyses are reanalyzed in purely phonological terms.
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Reference: lingbuzz/006961
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Published in: Linx,
keywords: phonologically conditioned allomorphy, llanito, mixed languages, ibero-romance., morphology, phonology
previous versions: v1 [November 2022]
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