Empirical Evidence for Split-CP in German (varieties): Double Complementizers in Saurian and Emphatic Topicalization in Bavarian
Helmut Weiß
January 2023

I present and discuss two types of data that speak in favor of a split-CP approach for German (varieties). In section 2, I introduce data from Saurian, a Bavarian dialect spoken in a speech island in Northern Italy (Prov. of Udine). This German variety offers direct evidence for the existence of a split-CP in two respects: (i) adverbial clauses are introduced by an appropriate complementizer as vaspegn ‘because’ to which could be added as ‘that’ as a second complementizer; (ii) multiple complementizers are attested in embedded interrogative clauses as well. The second type of data, presented in section 3, includes constructions from Middle Bavarian, which have a special form of emphatic topicalization.
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Reference: lingbuzz/007099
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Published in: Quaderni di Lavoro ASIt
keywords: split-cp, multiple complementizers, emphatic topicalization, german(ic), bavarian, saurian, syntax
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