The Third Way: Optional object reordering as ambiguous labeling resolution
Adrian Stegovec
November 2023

This paper examines free object order alternation in ditransitives, focusing on Slovenian. It is shown that neither a scrambling analysis nor an analysis where the two orders are not derivationally related is satisfactory. A new analysis building on Chomsky (2013, 2015) is proposed, where the key proposal is that the introduction of a second object creates an ambiguous labeling scenario ({NP,VP}), which has two equivalent resolutions: (i) movement of the VP with the first object inside, or (ii) movement of the second object. This is shown to derive both free object order in the general case and the restrictions on object order in select contexts, as due to the specifics of the VP-movement analysis it is possible for selectional restrictions to filter out either derivation (i) or (ii). Finally, it is shown that the analysis can be extended to English and Romance ditransitives.
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Reference: lingbuzz/007204
(please use that when you cite this article)
Published in: under revision
keywords: applicatives, benefactives, binding asymmetries, case, causatives, dative alternation, ditransitives, idioms, labeling algorithm, passivization, quantifier scope, scrambling, slovenian, smuggling, word order, syntax
previous versions: v1 [March 2023]
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