The syntax of Greek discontinuous reciprocals
Lefteris Paparounas, Martin Salzmann
October 2023

We provide the first detailed description and analysis of the understudied Greek discontinuous reciprocal reconstruction. Reciprocals in Greek are apparently bipartite, consisting of a quantificational distributor (`the one') and a reciprocator (`the other'). We show that, in Greek, this bipartiteness runs deep: the two parts are syntactically independent, with the reciprocator having the syntax of a plain anaphor, while the distributor behaves as a floating quantifier. Once we turn to how these elements establish relations between themselves and their antecedent, we find that Greek counterexemplifies movement- or Agree-based approaches to the issue: both elements can occur in positions inaccessible to movement/Agree. Finally, given that the reciprocator can occur in embedded subject position, the Greek data also argue against recent attempts to reduce the binding domain to phases, instead supporting a more traditional definition of the binding domain.
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Reference: lingbuzz/007655
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Published in: Syntax (accepted pending minor revisions)
keywords: reciprocals; binding; anaphora; quantification, syntax
previous versions: v1 [October 2023]
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