Aspectual distinctions in Farsi indicative and subjunctive forms
Zahra Mirrazi
February 2024

This paper concerns with tense, aspect, and mood (TAM) morphology in Farsi. Decomposing the TAM information in Farsi verbal forms, this paper argues that the category of mood in Farsi marks the presence or absence of deictic tenses. The traditionally called subjunctive forms in Farsi are distinguished because the morphological manifestation of Farsi aspectual markers is conditioned on the presence and the absence of deictic tenses. Indicative forms mark the presence of deictic tenses (past and present) and subjunctive forms mark the absence thereof (or equivalently the presence of zero tense). The paper presents a semantic analysis of tense and aspect in Farsi within the framework of situation semantics without explicit quantification over events in the object language (Cipria & Roberts 2000).
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Reference: lingbuzz/007866
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Published in: under review at Advances in Iranian Linguistics, vol 3
keywords: tense, aspect, mood, subjunctive, indicative., semantics
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