Clitic templates and discourse marker ti in Old Czech
Anton Zimmerling
May 2024

This paper aims at solving two problems of Slavic syntax – a) to prove that Old Czech had a discourse clitic particle ti1 attested in other Old Slavic languages, b) to describe Old Czech clitic template for the first time. Both problems are related: the proof that Old Czech ti1 was a separate syntactic element is based on the claim that ti1 was part of Old Czech clitic template and had a unique slot in it. If the enclitic particle ti1 is a different element than the dative pronominal enclitic ti2, and both elements take different template slots, this prediction is true. This special research task can be solved, if one verifies a more general hypothesis that Old Czech was a language with Wackernagel’s law and identifies all slots in the Old Czech clitic template.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008139
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Published in: Witkoś, Jacek and Sylwester Jaworski (eds.). 2014. New Insights into Slavic Linguistics. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 2014. ― P. 389 – 403. DOI 10.3726/978-3-653-04359-4
keywords: clitics, clitic clusters, template rules, old czech, discourse particles, wackernagel’s law, syntax, phonology, semantics, morphology
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