Русские предикативы в зеркале эксперимента и корпусной грамматики [Russian Predicatives in the Perspective of Sociolinguistic Experiment and Corpus Grammar]
Anton Zimmerling
June 2024

This paper aims at measuring the active vocabulary of Russian predicatives licensing dative- predicative-structures (DPS) and introduces the results of the sociolinguistic experiment paired with the corpus study for the same set of stimuli. The experiment aimed at measuring the active DPS vocabulary in the idiolects of 18 native speakers of Russian and produced a sample of 422 stimuli ranked according to their acceptance rate. The same set of stimuli was checked on the Russian National Corpus to get the frequency ranks of DPS clauses in the diagnostic context mne Z-vo, with the priority dative argument placed contiguously to the predicative at the distance <-1:1> in the same clause. The correlation of two ranked samples predicts the volume of the DPS vocabulary in an average idiolect of Russian and helps to establish the proportion between the lexical nucleus of the DPS construction and its extension. The native speakers of Russian apply to the same underlying principles of semantic selection for DPS elements while using non-identical sets of lexical elements. I introduce a model of lexical extension with the entire DPS being grouped onto 15 thematic classes. The results prove that each thematic class includes high-, middle- and low-frequency DPS elements. Low-frequency DPS predicatives are modeled after high-frequency elements from the same thematic class.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008168
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Published in: Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies, 15 (123). Moscow. 2017. Vol. 2, 466-482
keywords: construction grammar, lexicon, predicatives, dative-predicative-structures, idiolect, lexical extension, lexical reduction, thematic class, semantics, morphology, syntax
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