Right Dislocation in Chinese: Consequences of Comp-to-Spec Movement
Jarry Chia-Wei Chuang
June 2024

The paper re-examines the non-canonical word orders in Chinese which involves the derivation of Chinese SFPs and RDs. By considering a detailed interaction between the operation of head-initial SFPs and RD, we argue that the mono-clausal RD is the PLC, which is the by-product of cyclic C2S movement when deriving SFPs. By considering SFPs within Chinese split CPs and A-bar dependency of topicalized objects, the paper accounts for the derivation of Chinese RD as well as some undiscovered consequences of C2S movement in cyclic linearization. In compliance with PIC, constituents escaping from the inaccessibility after phasing (mostly in Specifier or Adjunct) may become RDs.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008190
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Published in: Proceedings of Glow in Asia XIV
keywords: right dislocation (rd), chinese, comp-to-spec (c2s) movement, sentence-final particle (sfp), pronounced low copy (plc), syntax
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