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Degano, Marco
Marty, Paul
Ramotowska, Sonia
Aloni, Maria
Breheny, Richard
Romoli, Jacopo
Sudo, Yasutada
freshly changed [pdf]The ups and downs of ignorance
Paul, Waltraud
new [pdf]The Final-over-Final Condition: Not a syntactic universal
Wei-wen, Roger Liao
Wei-Cherng, Jheng
new [pdf]A tale of two EVENs
Elliott, Patrick D.
Sudo, Yasutada
freshly changed [pdf]Free choice with anaphora
Duffield, Nigel
new [pdf]Whys and Wherefores: the Aetiology of the Left Periphery (with reference to Vietnamese)
Jouitteau, Melanie
freshly changed [pdf]Guide de survie des langues minorisées à l’heure de l’intelligence artificielle
Larson, Brooke
new [pdf]Optional Labeling and its Effect on Structural Distance
Müller, Stefan
freshly changed [pdf]Generative approaches to Germanic languages
Muñoz Pérez, Carlos
Verdecchia, Matías
new [pdf]Clausal doubling produces phantom islands
Kosta, Peter
Zimmerling, Anton
new [pdf]Slavic clitic systems in a typological perspective.
Golda, Paweł
Ryszka, Joanna
freshly changed [pdf]O Marcelim Tarnowskim – tłumaczu, redaktorze, księgarzu
Zimmerling, Anton
new [pdf]Enclitics [Энклитики]
Singerman, Adam
new [pdf]Talking about language endangerment and Indigenous languages in the classroom: Some dos and don’ts I have learned through fieldwork in the Brazilian Amazon
García-Miguel, José
Vázquez Rozas, Victoria
new [pdf]Diathesis alternation and case of Experiencer-object with psych-verbs in Spanish
Ranero, Rodrigo
new [pdf]Gender and ellipsis revisited
Winter, Yoad
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Haspelmath, Martin
new [pdf]Numeratives in the languages of Asia and beyond
Glass, Lelia
new [pdf]Moderate versus extreme interpretations of political slogans
Caragine, Cassandra
Migacz, Sophie
Obiri-Yeboah, Michael
Pruett, Jack
new [pdf]The Phonology of Nandome Dagaare
Cheshire, Gerard
freshly changed [pdf]Astrology Series, No. 4. MS 408.
Yip, Ka-Fai
new [pdf]Differentiating between evidential bias and epistemic bias in questions: Evidence from Cantonese
Gorman, Kyle
new [pdf]Notes on morphological defectivity
Chen, Fulang
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Hu, Yanjie
freshly changed [pdf]Coordination: a novel view
Sportiche, Dominique
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Jacobson, Pauline
freshly changed [pdf]A Categorial Grammar View of Syntactic Categories: Evidence from Coordination
Kiparsky, Paul
Condoravdi, Cleo
new [pdf]Out-applicatives are concealed comparatives
Yuan, Michelle
2025-01 [pdf]Morphological conditions on movement chain resolution: Inuktitut noun incorporation revisited
Moltmann, Friederike
2025-01 [pdf]Objects and Attitudes
Reiss, Charles
2025-01 [pdf]Delete the Rich: On the non-existence of ‘weak’ schwa deletion

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1. Doucette et al. - Investigating the universality of consonant and vowel co-occurrence restrictions
2. Diercks et al. - The Syntax of Natural Language, 2nd edition
3. Chen - Passivization and composite A/Ā-movement in the Mandarin bei-construction
4. Perkins et al. - Thematic content, not number matching, drives syntactic bootstrapping
5. Sanker et al. - (Don’t) try this at home! The effects of recording devices and software on phonetic analysis
6. Moltmann - Objects and Attitudes
7. Moro - The Matrix: Merge and the typology of syntactic categories
8. Erlewine - On the role of causation in sufficiency and excess
9. Kitagawa - Uttering and Interpreting Trees
9. Dabbous et al. - Tutorial on Substance-Free Logical Phonology
9. Lee/Yip - Separable verbs in Cantonese
Last 6 months
1. Doucette et al. - Investigating the universality of consonant and vowel co-occurrence restrictions
2. Piantadosi - Modern language models refute Chomsky’s approach to language
3. Agodio et al. - Indexed definiteness without demonstratives in Guébie
4. Perkins et al. - Thematic content, not number matching, drives syntactic bootstrapping
5. Müller - Large Language Models: The best linguistic theory, a wrong linguistic theory, or no linguistic theory at all?
6. Manova - Machine learning versus human learning: Basic units and form-meaning mapping
7. Ramotowska et al. - Undefined Counterfactuals: Experimental Evidence for Selection Semantics
8. Haider - ONE GRAMMAR IN 7.164 VARIANTS? – Confessions of a veteran syntactician
9. Sanker et al. - (Don’t) try this at home! The effects of recording devices and software on phonetic analysis
10. Cheshire - Free eBook for Historical Linguists.
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