Sliding-window reduplication: an overgeneration problem for BR-correspondence theories
Cooper Roberts
June 2024

This squib begins with a novel observation concerning overgeneration in Base-Reduplicant correspondence approaches to reduplication. When the target of reduplication is a marked structure, a language's phonology will either phonologically-reduce the reduplicant or move slightly into the word to copy a less-marked constituent. What the phonology will never do, however, is shop around the inside of the base to find a more-optimal sequence to copy---a pattern I call sliding-window reduplication (SWR). While such a reduplication pattern is unattested, it is nonetheless possible to compute in BR-Correspondence frameworks. To remedy this, I suggest an alternative based on Serial Template Satisfaction, a Harmonic Serialism-based approach to reduplication. By strengthening some of its limitations, I show that it is possible to derive the two attested repairs without producing SWR. Furthermore, I demonstrate that local and nonlocal reduplication (both infixal and suffixal varieties) are also derivable under this system.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008236
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Published in: unpublished m.s.
keywords: reduplication, base-reduplicant correspondence, harmonic serialism, serial template satisfaction, morphology, phonology
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