Корпусная грамматика количественных групп в русском языке [The Corpus Grammar of Russian QPs]
Anton Zimmerling
June 2024

The paper is addressed the corpus grammar of Russian quantifier phrases (QPs), with focus on two issues: (i) subject-predicate agreement patterns in sentences with a QP in the position of a grammatical subject, (b) the choice of the agreeing/non-agreeing form of the adjective in QPs with an embedded NP with the head noun in the feminine gender. QPs license both the plural and the singular form of the predicate. I argue that the singular form optionally shown on the predicate instantiates non-canonic agreement controlled by the QP and does not pattern with default agreement in 3Sg.N. The analysis is based on the statistics of all Russian cardinal numerals used in QPs of the type ‘two…five people’ in the Russian National Corpus. I show the correlations between plural/singular agreement, word order (QP ―V ~ V ―QP) and communicative status of QP. Russian subject QPs are non-canonic arguments, since in the two thirds of the corpus data they lack the status of a theme.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008242
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Published in: Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Issue 18 (25). Proceedings of the International Conference “Dialogue 2019”. 2019, 781-799.
keywords: corpus grammar, nps, dps, qps, default agreement, lexical agreement, non-canonic arguments, russian, semantics, syntax, phonology
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