Hyperraising from TP in Moro
Peter Jenks
June 2024

This paper examines raising out of finite clauses, or hyperraising, in Moro, a Kordofanian language spoken in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. In Moro, the only finite complement clauses which permit hyperraising are TPs. Evidence for this conclusion comes from the unavailability of complementizers as well as special morphology which is more generally linked to clausal reduction. Parallel facts are shown to obtain for raising from non-finite clauses, which similarly disallow complementizers. The Moro pattern provides evidence for a general ban on A-movement out of CP in Moro independent of the finiteness of the clause, which is attributed to a CP horizon on φ-probes in Moro, in the framework of Keine (2019, 2020), in conjunction with the claim that Moro is a language without abstract case licensing requirements for DPs.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008260
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Published in: To appear in a festschrift for Maria Polinsky
keywords: hyperraising, a-movement, raising, phases, locality, horizons, moro, syntax
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