Controlling morphosyntactic competition through phonology
Utku Türk
July 2024

This chapter discusses a case of suspended affixation in Turkish, i.e., the phenomenon in which a certain affix(es) is affixed to the periphery of the coordination but interpreted for all coordinates. The main data discussed in this chapter involves stem allomorphy with 1SG and 2SG pronouns. The 1SG pronoun ‘ben’ ‘I’ has a phonologically unexpected dative shape ban-a ‘I-DAT’ (instead of the expected *ben-e). This chapter accounts for two unexpected patterns: (i) contra Guseva and Weisser (2018) and Erschler (2018), the suppletive form ban- that is a substring of bana is illicit under suspended affixation and (ii) the personal pronouns are only acceptable in the first conjunct only with vowel harmonic conjoiners like ve (and) unlike ya=da (or). I propose a modification to Lexicalisation Algorithm (Starke 2020) in order to rule out a lexicalisation as illicit on the grounds of phonotactic reasons. With the help of lexicalisation movements and the algorithm provided in the Lexicalisation Algorithm, we achieve the necessary identity matches for the ellipsis. The contribution of this chapter is to enrich the lexicalisation algorithm to enable phonology to have a say in the morphological computation.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008295
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Published in: fourteenth chapter in "Nanosyntax and the Lexicalisation Algorithm", edited by Pavel Caha, Karen De Clercq and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd
keywords: suspended affixation, suppletion, ellipsis, identity, deletion, turkish, morphology, nanosyntax
previous versions: v2 [July 2024]
v1 [July 2024]
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