Approaching V2
Anton Zimmerling, Ekaterina Lyutikova
July 2024

In this paper, we discuss verb-second languages as an object of the parametric typology. V2 languages are a small group of syntactically uniform languages sharing a number of parameters constraining the clausal architecture and the finite verb placement. We identify the constituting properties of V2 languages, as well as parameters of the cross-linguistic variation among them. We argue that whereas verb movement to the dedicated intraclausal position is indeed involved in the derivation of V2, the verb movement per se is not sufficient to produce the classic V2 profile and must be reinforced by the bottleneck condition on the first clausal constituent.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008298
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Published in: Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies, Issue 14 (21), 2015, 663-676. DOI 10.31857/s0373658x0001068-3
keywords: v2 languages, v1/v2 languages, verb movement, xp-movement, bottleneck condition, parametric typology, morphology, syntax, phonology
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