Clause Structure, Linear-Accent Transformations and Clitics in Middle Norwegian [Структура клаузы, линейно-акцентные преобразования и клитики в средненорвежском языке ]
Anton Zimmerling
July 2024

In this chapter, I demonstrate that IS-triggered word order alternations combined with the intonation marking (=Linear-Accent transformations) occur in languages with grammaticalized constraints on word order, e.g. for Middle Norwegian (ca. 1600 A.C.). Middle Norwegian patterns with V1/V2 languages. Main clause V1 declaratives are frequent. They can have different IS-readings, but in most cases the fronted verb has the communicative status of the dislocated focus. V1/V2 languages like Middle Norwegian can at the same time be CL2/CL3 languages with clause-internal clusterization of clitics or weak elements in positions adjacent to the positions of the finite verb.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008299
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Published in: A.Zimmerling, E. Lyutikova (eds.). Clause Architecture in the Parametric Models: Syntax, Information Structure, Word Order. Moscow: LRC, 2016, 209 - 274.
keywords: clause structure, clitics, linear-accent grammar, middle norwegian, syntax, phonology, semantics, morphology
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