Late Extrametricality in Indonesian and Selayarese
John Frampton
August 2024

In Indonesian, there is a puzzle about why syllables with a schwa nucleus are not generally visible to the stress system, but must be visible in one special context in order to satisfy a minimal word requirement, (McCarthy and Cohn, 1998). In Selayarese, certain word-final epenthetic syllables are generally not visible to the stress system, but in one special environment they must be visible (Mithun and Basri, 1986; Broselow, 2008) The puzzle is to characterize the environment. The solutions to both puzzles use `late extrametricality'. The solution to the Selayarese puzzle also uses a prosodic effect of epenthesis analogous to the effect of Dorsey syllables in Winnebago.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008320
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Published in: unpublished
keywords: rule based grammar (rbg), indonesian, selayarese, word stress, extrametricality, cyclicity, phonology
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