Generalized composite probing in Mandarin
Fulang Chen
August 2024

In this paper, I argue that composite probing by the composite probe [A+Ā] is generally observed in Mandarin, in the sense that multiple heads projected in the low IP area host the composite probe [A+Ā], and that the Voice head, as a phase head, generally hosts the composite probe [A+Ā] for purposes of successive-cyclic movement. The evidence comes from two types of topicalization and focalization in Mandarin, which exhibit mixed A/Ā-properties. Specifically, I argue that IP-internal topicalization and focalization involve successive-cyclic composite A/Ā-movement via Spec, VoiceP, which terminate at IP-internal Spec, TopP and Spec, FocP, respectively, while IP-external topicalization and focalization can involve intermediate steps of composite A/Ā-movement to Spec, VoiceP, followed by a terminating step of Ā-movement to IP-external Spec, TopP and Spec, FocP, respectively.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008341
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Published in: Proceedings of WCCFL42
keywords: a/Ā-distinction, composite probing, composite a/Ā-movement, successive-cyclic movement, binding, crossover, reconstruction, clause-boundedness, topicalization, focalization, mandarin, syntax
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