Short essay on long passive
Hubert Haider
September 2024

Languages differ with respect to 'long passive'. Some rule it out, some admit it for a few verbs, and for some it is a licit option. This paper tries to empirically & theoretically answer the corresponding "why" question. [V.1.4. Typo-reduced & slighty amended]
Format: [ pdf ]
Reference: lingbuzz/008372
(please use that when you cite this article)
Published in:
keywords: syntax, morphology, semantics, typology, comparative syntax, restructuring, reanalysis verb-clusters, clause-union, passive, argument structure, lexicon
previous versions: v10 [September 2024]
v9 [September 2024]
v8 [September 2024]
v7 [September 2024]
v6 [September 2024]
v5 [September 2024]
v4 [August 2024]
v3 [August 2024]
v2 [August 2024]
v1 [August 2024]
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