The (un)expectedly stacked prefixes in Slovenian
Franc Lanko Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, Rok Zaucer
January 2024

When a Slavic verb occurs with multiple prefixes their order is often claimed to follow certain restrictions of a fairly formal character. Firstly, lexical prefixes, which can modify the argument structure of the verb and contribute idiosyncratic interpretations, are always found adjacent to the verbal root, while superlexical prefixes, which do not alter the argument structure and whose interpretative contribution is adverbial, can be stacked over the lexicals. And secondly, when multiple superlexicals stack on a verbal stem, they follow a fixed order. We set out to test these two generalizations with a corpus study. We find that there exist a number of verbs which seem to have more than one lexical prefix, in direct contradiction of the standard assumptions about prefixation.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008387
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Published in: Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2022
keywords: verbal prefixes, internal prefixes, external prefixes, prefix stacking, morphology, syntax
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