Structural Linguistics in the 21st Century
Geoffrey Sampson
September 2024

Two earlier Lingbuzz postings of mine, nos 006408 and 006427, were drafts for chapters in a planned up-to-date edition of my 1980 textbook “Schools of Linguistics”. But, after trying and failing to move this project further forward, I came to realize that extending that book in the same style to cover recent decades was not going to be possible. Since “Schools” appeared, the discipline has changed (largely but not only as a consequence of the internet) in ways that make the schools-based organization of the earlier book inapplicable today. Instead I needed to write a sequel, organized on a different principle. That sequel has now been published, as “Structural Linguistics in the 21st Century” – see . I give its opening chapter here, as one man’s take on the overall nature of the discipline of linguistics at the present day.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008453
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Published in: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
keywords: history of linguistics, schools of linguistics, syntax, phonology, semantics, morphology
previous versions: v1 [September 2024]
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