The Copy Theory of Control, Finite control and Non-Obligatory Control
Rita Manzini, Anna Roussou
September 2024

The Copy Theory of Control (CTC) follows from the Markovian property of derivations (Chomsky 2021). We show how the CTC accounts for finite and non-obligatory control (NOC), by assuming that deletion is ‘No Transfer’ (Saab 2009) and that narrow syntax sees Formal Features (FFs) only (Chomsky 1995). While deletion under copy formation yields non-finite control, deletion by Agree with a rich I followed by copy yields finite control, hence a pro with a PRO-like interpretation. In NOC neither mechanism is available; the unvalued features of the subject are not transferred; interpretation assigns them an arbitrary or logophoric reading.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008457
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keywords: copy, control, finiteness, null subject, no transfer, phase, syntax
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