Empty categories as (Copy and) No Transfer Non-Obligatory Control and Partial Null Subjects
Rita Manzini, Anna Roussou
September 2024

We assume the Copy theory of control, under which obligatory control depends on a Copy relation between the controller and the controllee, followed by deletion of the latter (‘PRO’). We further assume that pronominal null subjects (‘pro’) undergo deletion (No Transfer) under Agree with rich I. In this framework, we analyze some problematic instances of null subjects, whose status is intermediate between standard PRO and pro. We consider first non-obligatory control and partial control, for which we adopt an account in terms of logophoric binding via the phase edge. We then propose that the finite null subjects of Brazilian Portuguese instantiate finite control, but of the non-obligatory, logophoric kind.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008458
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Published in: Submitted
keywords: control, null subject, logophor, transfer, copy, phase, syntax
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