ONE GRAMMAR IN 7.164 VARIANTS? – Confessions of a veteran syntactician
Hubert Haider
December 2024

[typo- & biblio-corrected] How I, an early adopter and ardent supporter of Generative Grammar, became alienated out of dissatisfaction with the 'confessional' stance of the MP. It has become an ineffective field. Confessions in four cases at hand. Trigger warning for MP aficionados: Inevitable MP-bashing. :-)
Format: [ pdf ]
Reference: lingbuzz/008473
(please use that when you cite this article)
Published in: (on the way to) R. I. Peace (ed.). A festschrift for defunct grammar theories.
keywords: cognitive science, cargo cult, scientific conduct, empty expletive, voice feature, functional voice head, labelling, agreement, passive, anti-passive, epp, serialisation, asymmetry, ug, semantics, morphology, syntax, cognitive evolution, covert movement, wh-in-situ, convergent evolution
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