Evidence from German for N-stranding NP-ellipsis
Johanna Benz, Martin Salzmann
October 2024

In this paper we argue in favor of the existence of N-stranding NP-ellipsis based on novel data from German. We show that the data in Liptak & Saab (2014) that were used to argue against the existence of this operation in Spanish become acceptable once the noun is contrastive. We provide data that argue against the deletion of individual constituents in the noun phrase and draw conclusions for the nature of the head-movement operation involved. Given the possibility of gender mismatches, head-movement (of N to n) must be syntactic
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Reference: lingbuzz/008491
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Published in: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (2024). Chichago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
keywords: ellipsis, np-ellipsis, german, stranding, head-movement, syntax
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