Calling things by their names: Towards a unified account for name-informing and mixed quotation
Holden Härtl
January 2025

This paper explores the semantic connection between mixed quotation and name-informing quotation, proposing a unified account for both. While mixed quotation combines direct quotation with indirect reporting, name-informing quotation highlights the linguistic shape of a concept’s conventionalized name. We argue that both types of quotation involve a naming predicate – explicit in name-informing quotation and covert in mixed quotation. A pilot questionnaire-based study tested the at-issueness of the naming component across these types, supporting the hypothesis that both share a similar semantic structure. This unified approach contributes to a generalized understanding of quotational constructions and their role in linguistic representation.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008505
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Published in: Under review.
keywords: quotation, mixed quotation, pure quotation, name-informing, semantics
previous versions: v1 [October 2024]
Downloaded:699 times


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