Here, there, and everywhere? Patterns of partially superfluous extended exponence
András Bárány, Paula Fenger
November 2024

Many patterns of extended exponence have been documented across languages (Harris 2017, Caballero & Harris 2012). While there has been less of a focus on possible and impossible patterns of extended exponence, Grofulović & Müller (2023) propose that among exponents that share features, the less specified exponent is always realised closer to the stem. In this paper, we test this hypothesis by surveying a number of languages with extended exponence and we discuss potential counterexamples.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008613
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Published in: Strict Cycling: A Festschrift for Gereon Müller, edited by Silke Fischer, Doreen Georgi, Fabian Heck, Johannes Hein, Anke Himmelreich, Andrew Murphy & Philipp Weisser
keywords: extended exponence, partially superfluous extended exponence, multiple exponence, morphology, syntax
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