The challenge of postverbal adverbs and PP-adverbials in flexibly verb-final languages
Lena Borise, Andreas Pregla, Balazs Suranyi
September 2024

In this paper, we investigate the principles governing the ordering restrictions on postverbal adverbs and PP-adverbials in verb-final languages, expanding on Neeleman and Weerman’s (1999) and Neeleman’s (2017) study of postverbal PPs in Dutch. We provide novel data from several languages typologically similar to Dutch (flexibly verb-final, allowing for (i) verb-raising in certain constructions and (ii) postverbal adverbs and PP-adverbials) – namely, Hungarian, Udmurt (both Uralic), and dialectal (Bizkaian and Navarrese) Basque. Based on the data from these languages, we show that several other neutral patterns of (non-right-dislocated) postverbal PP-adverbial placement emerge. While they appear to present several challenges for the conclusions made based on Dutch, we show that these challenges can be addressed or attributed to independent factors.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008615
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Published in: to appear in: Generation Flex: Flexible Syntax, 25 years on, Berlin: Language Science Press, 57–101
keywords: universal 20, verb-final languages, ov, adverbs, flexible syntax, syntax, phonology
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