Subject co-reference in antecedent-contained deletion
Luise Schwarzer
May 2023

Antecedent-contained deletion has a curious restriction in languages like Dutch: it is only possible if the subject of the embedded clause both clauses is a pronoun that is co-referent with the matrix subject. I propose that this phenomenon can be viewed as a bound pronoun effect: a bound pronoun subject in an embedded clause can extend the locality domain for QR that is necessary to license ellipsis. The analysis makes clear cross-linguistic predictions which seem to be are borne out in British do-ellipsis, Romance, and Czech. This proposal supports the view that QR cannot apply as high as necessary to license ACD (Overfelt 2020, contra Cecchetto 2004), but instead has to be triggered by something else, like a bound pronoun, and can license ACD as a by-product.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008619
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Published in: Suet-Ying Lam & Satoru Ozaki (eds.): Proceedings of NELS 53
keywords: antecedent contained deletion, quantifier raising, ellipsis, bound pronoun, syntax
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