The Matrix: Merge and the typology of syntactic categories
Andrea Moro
January 2025

In recent works a new type of phrasal structure has been assumed which results by Merging two XPs where neither XP projects: the unlabelled [XP YP]. This structure stands out as an exception with re-spect to the typical dichotomous repertoire of syntactic structures, namely X°s and XPs. By relying on some core features of Merge in a combinatorial framework a Matrix is generated which absorbes the stipulative character of this category: moreover, the Matrix reduces some redundancies of UG and predicts the existence of expletives.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008729
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Published in: András Bárány, Theresa Biberauer, Jamie Douglas & Sten Vikner (eds.), Syntactic Architecture and Its Consequences: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives, Volume 1: Syntax inside the grammar, 617–628. Berlin: Language Science Press.
keywords: merge, expletive, clitics, syntactic catgories, morphology, syntax
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