The Distribution of Verbs and Argument Selection in Arabic: A Distributed Morphology Account
Ayoub Loutfi
December 2024

This paper attempts to argue in favor of a constructionist/syntactic approach to the derivation of verbs in both Modern Standard Arabic and Moroccan Arabic. Using the precepts of Distributed Morphology, I argue that the meaning of verbs derives from the syntactic structure in which they are merged. This is achieved by proposing a syntactic decomposition of the traditional VP into three independently motivated heads, principally voice, light v, and the √Root. All other things being equal, the derivation of the different verbal constructions boils down to the featural content of the functional heads voice and light v.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008743
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Published in: Hassan II University of Casablanca-Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Ben M'sik
keywords: syntax; morphology; argument structure; distributed morphology; light verbs; voice, morphology, syntax
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