Coordination: a novel view
Yanjie Hu
January 2025

In this paper, based on data of coordination of unlike categories, I argue for a novel analysis on coordination where the merger of the coordinator and the internal conjunct, i.e., the [& Conj2] complex, inherits its categorial feature from Conj2, while the external Conj1 has its own label. These two labels may or may not be the same, an independent state of affair. Thus, a coordinate structure can only be labeled under feature identity, otherwise it is unlabeled. This explains extraction patterns under basic syntactic conditions/mechanisms such as minimal search and (anti)locality. Also, in this novel analysis, the [& Conj2] complex is an adjunct to Conj1, which may explain how a coordinate structure satisfies external restrictions on the syntactic position it occupies. The analysis provides potential new angles for investigation of other related phenomena, e.g., across-the-board movement, parasitic gaps and gapping.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008752
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Published in: Under review
keywords: coordination of unlike categories, coordinate structures, labeling, extraction, (anti)locality, external restrictions, adjunct
previous versions: v1 [December 2024]
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