Variation in word prosody of some dialects of Arabic; stress does not `float'
John Frampton
January 2025

The systems for assigning word stress in 4 different Arabic dialects are analyzed: Cairene Arabic, Palestinian Arabic, Negev Bedouin Arabic, and Cyrenician Bedouin Arabic. The heart of the paper is a detailed analysis of the extensive vowel deletion in Cyrenician Bedouin Arabic and its effects on surface prosody. A theory of Arabic morafication, syllabification, and resyllabification is developed to support this analysis.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008782
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Published in: unpublished
keywords: cairene arabic, palestinian arabic, negev bedouin arabic, cyrenician bedouin arabic, floating stress, rule-based phonology, rbg, transformational phonology, delimiter insertion, phonology
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