Locality is epiphenomenal: adjacency is opaqueness
Rim Dabbous, Marjorie Leduc, Charles Reiss, David Ta-Chun Shen
January 2025

We suggest thinking about phonological rule environments in terms of a parameterized algorithm—--target segments (Inr) initiate a Search for segments (Trm) that terminate the Search. If independent conditions (Con) on the terminator are met, a Change in the target potentially occurs. We show how this scoping works, and also show that adjacency is just a special case of a long distance search. Segment transparency and opaqueness are derived without contrast, markedness considerations or other functionalist notions. This paper develops previous work on the use of search algorithms to model phonological environments (Dabbous et al. 2021; Shen 2016; Samuels 2011; Mailhot and Reiss 2007, 2004). See https://search-and-change.netlify.app/ for a gamified implementation of the SEARCH and CHANGE model.
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Reference: lingbuzz/008785
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Published in: Submitted to CLA Proceedings
keywords: phonology, long-distance rules, locality, opaqueness, transparency, search and change, substance free logical phonology, phonology
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